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The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.

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Meeting Allegations Of Professional Misconduct For Legal Professionals

In the discharge of their duties, lawyers and paralegals are held to high standards of conduct and practice. When complaints or allegations arise, careers, reputations and livelihoods can all be jeopardized.

Although possessing legal knowledge themselves, such practitioners often require supplementary representation to make a successful defence in bar association investigations and proceedings. Neuberger & Partners LLP is a premium Toronto law firm that provides high-calibre advice and advocacy in the context of professional discipline.


Managing Career-Ending Risks

Due to the pressures and demands of their work, lawyers and paralegals may become entangled in conduct characterized as unbecoming of their profession. This may involve dealings with clients, extend into relationships with colleagues or even become evident in various areas of their personal lives.

We thoroughly understand the key issues, regulatory environment and potential impacts at play and have represented legal professionals facing allegations such as:

Our lawyers have conducted numerous trials and appeals for legal professionals and have a proven track record for success*. We have both depth of knowledge and experience in this arena and a solid reputation with regulators in the legal industry. Our aim is to leverage these advantages to take over your legal burden and pursue the best outcome for your case

Criminal Law

Over Three Decades Of Practice

Founded in 1993, Neuberger & Partners LLP is a high profile Toronto law firm with exclusive focus on criminal law. Our lawyers have represented clients in simple, complex and high-profile cases throughout the Greater Toronto Area and across Ontario.

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Professional Disciplines

Comprehensive Case Analysis And Preparation

Our approach involves applying the fundamental principles of effective legal practice to the context of regulatory investigations. This includes:


Contact Our Firm For A Consultation

By taking early action to gain legal advice and representation, you stand the best chance of fending off and mitigating the impact of potentially career-ending allegations. Our lawyers can provide you with a robust, sophisticated defence. Call us at 416-364-3111 or contact us online to arrange a meeting.

Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the amount recovered and other litigation outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases.

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NrLawyers Blog

Lack of Detail is Not Evidence of a Sexual Assault

July 2nd, 2024

In R. v. Patel, 2024 NSCA 40 the Crown unsuccessfully appealed an acquittal on a number of grounds. One rejected ground was...

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Absence Of Motive Is Not Proof Of Guilt

July 2nd, 2024

In R. v. Clyde, 2024 ONCA 113 the Court of Appeal overturned a jury conviction due to an improper linkage by the Crown in...

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The Court of Appeal for Ontario Confirms Low Bar for Authenticating Electronic Evidence at Trial

July 2nd, 2024

Nick Whitfield, Neuberger & Partners LLP In the recent decision R v MSA, 2024 ONCA 477, the Court of Appeal for Ontario...

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The Use of Common-Sense Assumptions at Trial

March 19th, 2024

Joseph Neuberger and Diana Davison In the recent decision R. v. Kruk, 2024 SCC 7, the Supreme Court refused to recognize a...

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