- Sexual Assault, Domestic Assault, Criminal Harassment, Threaten Death/Harm, Assault, and other Violent Crimes
- Sexual Exploitation
- Human Trafficking, Procuring, Material Benefit for Sexual Services and Obtaining for Consideration Sexual Services
- Weapon Offences
- Criminal Organizations, Money Laundering, Conspiracy Offences
- Homicide, Attempt Murder, Robbery and other Violent Crimes
- Drug Trafficking, Conspiracy, Possession of Drugs, and related offences
- Impaired Driving, Over 80, Dangerous Driving and other Driving-related Offences
- Property Crimes, Possession of Stolen Property and Proceeds of Crime
- Fraud, Theft, Breach of Trust, and Financial Crimes
- Constitutional Applications
- Search Warrants
- Bail
- Perjury, Impersonation, Public Mischief, Mischief to Property and Breach of Court Orders
- Professional Discipline Tribunals
- Voyeurism
Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the amount recovered and other litigation outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases.