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The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.

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Sophisticated, Detailed Defence for Sexual Assault Cases Involving Minors

The moment you believe you are going to be investigated for a sex crime involving a minor, it is important that you seek out an experienced and determined defence lawyer. You want to have someone by your side who will keep you informed of your case at all times and advocate fully on your behalf.

What sets Neuberger & Partners LLP apart from other law firms is the detailed, thorough and creative manner in which we develop a defence, particularly in cases involving sexual assault, sexual exploitation, Internet luring and invitation to sexual touching. We often utilize various types of experts and investigators in the defence to ensure we are protecting your rights at all times and building an effective response to the allegations. We understand the devastating effects a conviction for such a crime could have on your freedom and your future. We will do everything we can to help you avoid a conviction.


Sexual Exploitation Charges

Sexual exploitation charges involve allegations of sexual acts with a youth under the age of 18. The alleged aggressor in these cases must have been in a position of trust or authority over the youth. If you have been charged with sexual exploitation, reach out to us. One of our lawyers will sit down with you, discuss the details of your case carefully and investigate all potential defences available in your situation.

A common defence in these cases is mistake of the youth’s age. If you believe you took all reasonable steps to ascertain the minor’s actual age and believed the minor to be an adult, then your defence may withstand the court’s scrutiny. We have extensive experience in this area, and we will help you evaluate all aspects of this defence and prepare you fully for trial.


Internet Luring in Ontario

Internet luring cases usually involve adults soliciting sexual acts or favours from minors in Internet chat rooms. If you ask the person’s age, and he or she says 13 or 14, but you believed the person was actually older, you will have no defence. The Criminal Code specifically provides that if the minor stated his or her age as 13 or 14, the accused is deemed to have knowledge of the age. This is why careful scrutiny and investigation of all of the available and potential evidence is important to defend you.

Most often, the evidence gathered to support charges of Internet luring will involve chat dialogues and other records obtained from a computer. We will hire forensic computer experts, Internet providers and other experts to help identify, retrieve and analyze all relevant evidence.

In a recent luring case, our hired computer experts found additional Internet chats that did not exist in the prosecution’s case. These chats were instrumental to our cross-examinations and eventually for winning the case. Learn about more of our recent case successes in cases involving sexual assault.

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Criminal Law

Over Three Decades Of Practice

Founded in 1993, Neuberger & Partners LLP is a high profile Toronto law firm with exclusive focus on criminal law. Our lawyers have represented clients in simple, complex and high-profile cases throughout the Greater Toronto Area and across Ontario.

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Sex Crimes & Domestic Offences

Child Pornography Defence

Child pornography charges are serious and have extreme consequences. If you have been charged with the production, possession or distribution of child pornography, it is important that you seek an experienced and dedicated criminal defence law firm to help protect your rights and interests.


Sexual Interference and Invitation to Sexual Touching

Sexual interference involves touching a part of the body of a child under the age of 16. Similarly, invitation to sexual touching is a crime that involves asking, compelling or inciting a child under the age of 16 to touch another child younger than 16 years old. These charges are serious, and require the assistance of a skilled and experienced defence lawyer who can thoroughly investigate the charges and build a strong defence.


Speak With an Experienced and Skilled Defence Lawyer

If you are under investigation for or have been charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation, Internet luring or invitation to sexual touching, you need a lawyer who will be dedicated to pursuing all potential avenues in your defence. Call our office at 416-364-3111, or contact our Toronto law firm online today to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

Located in Toronto, our firm represents individuals in Etobicoke, Mississauga, Newmarket and throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the amount recovered and other litigation outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases.

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NrLawyers Blog

Authenticating Digital Evidence

February 6th, 2025

Joseph Neuberger and Michael Bury, Neuberger & Partners LLP With the widespread use of smartphones and social media,...

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Search and Seizure: The Supreme Court of Canada Expands the Definition of Exigent Circumstances

January 30th, 2025

Nick Whitfield and Joseph Neuberger, Neuberger & Partners LLP The Supreme Court of Canada in R v Campbell 2024 SCC 42...

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Challenging SOIRA Orders on Appeal: R. v. N.D., 2024 ONCA 777

January 30th, 2025

Joseph Neuberger and Michael Bury, Neuberger & Partners LLP The Sex Offender Information Registration Act SC 2004, c...

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Assessing Subjective Consent

January 30th, 2025

In R. v. Blanco, 2025 ONSC 297 Justice London-Weinstein ordered a new trial after determining the trial judge failed to...

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