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2 in Toronto facing serious penalties for drug, weapon charges

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If one has never been through it before, being arrested for suspected drug possession can be a frightening experience. A suspect’s world is turned upside down in a matter of minutes. It may be unclear what one’s rights are or what should be done next. Perhaps the young man taken into custody by police in Toronto recently had similar thoughts. What he knows is that he now faces potentially serious penalties for an array of drug charges.

On June 4, Toronto Police arrested a 21-year-old man who was allegedly in possession of a sizable quantity of cocaine powder and crack. After obtaining a search warrant for the man’s home address, police raided the home where they reported finding additional drugs. Officers seized quantities of edible marijuana products, Oxycodone and cash. Additionally, a loaded .45 calibre pistol was recovered from the premises.

While in the man’s home, police arrested a 41-year-old woman. Both parties face numerous charges for drugs and weapons. The charges include possession of the proceeds of crime, possession of a Schedule I substance, possession of a Schedule II substance and careless use of a firearm.

All drug possession charges are serious legal matters, but charges for Schedule I substances, like heroin, cocaine and Oxycodone, are especially concerning. In order to reduce the likelihood of incurring serious penalties, it may be necessary to seek counsel from a skilled and determined criminal defence lawyer. A Toronto-based lawyer with experience defending against drug charges will relentlessly defend the rights of a man or woman facing criminal charges.

Source: insidetoronto.com, “Man, 21, woman, 43, face gun, drug charges after Toronto police search“, June 6, 2017

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