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2 Ontarians arrested on drug charges in Stayner

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The Ontario Provincial Police recently executed a search warrant at a property in Stayner. The search warrant led to two Clearview Township residents now facing drug possession charges. The two individuals are also facing stolen property charges.

The search warrant was executed at a home on Sunnidale Street at approximately 10 a.m. Ontario Provincial Police found and seized morphine tablets, fentanyl patches and drug-related items. The individuals who have been charged with drug possession are a 48-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman.

State laws and federal drug cultivation laws typically set the definitions for drug-related crimes and the applicable punishments for a conviction related to drug charges. Individuals who are found in possession of illegal substances often face serious penalties. Additionally, prosecutors may list additional charges in an attempt to get the individuals to cooperate and forego a trial. For example, prosecutors may impose charges for growing drugs, drug production, drug cultivation, producing drugs or drug manufacturing. Individuals may face additional charges if they are found to be in possession of laboratory equipment that could be used to manufacture drugs in accordance with federal drug manufacturing laws.

Due to the complexity of drug investigations, many individuals who are charged with a crime related to drugs decide to hire a criminal defence lawyer. A lawyer may be able to find the best possible defence by analyzing the facts of each case. For example, an infringement of a suspect’s constitutional rights may arise from an illegal search and seizure, or a person may not have had the necessary knowledge that they were committing a crime, which may be necessary to convict the person of a charge.

Stayner Sun, “Drugs seized at Stayner house,” Michael Gennings, 15 March 2013

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