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65-year-old Ontario woman charged with driving over 80

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There is a reason why drunk driving is so heavily punished in Ontario: it can be quite dangerous. There are some people who drive while so intoxicated that they can barely operate a car, putting their lives and the lives of all others on the road in danger. There are, of course, many other people who, under the strict letter of the law, are intoxicated who can and do safely operate their vehicles and avoid accidents. When it comes to the Ontario Provincial Police, however, these two kinds of drivers are treated quite the same.

Take, for example, the arrest of a 65-year-old woman who was arrested in Lakeshore earlier this month. It seems that the reason she was stopped had nothing to do with dangerous driving, only that she had been driving so slowly. That did not prevent officers from checking to see if she was impaired and eventually charging her with driving over 80.

It would appear that the woman posed no threat to anyone on Essex County Road 22 on that early evening when she was stopped. She was not driving recklessly, nor was she speeding. Instead, she was slowly but surely making her way. While true that she was reportedly driving “significantly” under the posted speed, it does not seem as if she was putting anyone at risk.

Unfortunately, under the charges of Driving with More Than 80 Milligrams of Alcohol in Blood and Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle, this driver will be facing very serious consequences in Ontario criminal court.

Source: windsoriteDOTca, “Police Alerted To Alleged Drunk Woman Driving ‘Significantly’ Slow,” 9 Dec. 2013

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