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90 investigation culminates in arrest of 80 people

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In our last post we wrote about a traffic stop that led to criminal charges. While this is one possible catalyst for criminal charges, there are other things that could lead to an arrest and charges. Sometimes they are preceded by an investigation.

Recently, a three month long investigation was conducted which collected information on people suspected of either visiting child porn sites or downloading child pornography. In the course of the investigation, a total of 2,038 unique IP addresses were collected.

As a result of the investigation, a total of 20 individuals who are victims of child exploitation were identified. In addition, the investigation led to the arrest of 80 people who were charge with at total of 274 offences. Those offences included:

  • Sexual assault
  • Possessing child pornography
  • Making child pornography
  • Distributing child pornography
  • Accessing child pornography
  • Luring a child
  • Drug offences
  • Weapons offences

The investigation involved multiple entities. In addition to the Ontario Provincial Police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Border Services Agency, 26 local police departments and the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service were involved. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also assisted.

With so many people accused of the various crimes, going forward, it is possible that not all of the charges will stick. For the best chance of securing a positive outcome when someone has been accused of engaging in an illegal activity, most find it beneficial to work with a criminal defence lawyer who has a thorough understanding of the criminal justice system.

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