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Alleged fugitive sex offender returned to Ontario by RCMP

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Langley RCMP have reportedly returned a suspected sexual offender to Ontario. The 27-year-old man, who was arrested by local Mounties on May 3, is wanted for alleged sexual assault.

The Mounties had learned that the suspect was living in the area in February. In March, they took the steps necessary to initiate the process of removing him from the area using the British Columbia Fugitive Return Program, which receives funds through the province’s Civil Forfeiture Office. So far, the program has helped authorities return 39 individuals to their home provinces for crimes that they are accused of.

The man is facing three counts of sexual assault in addition to charges of assault, uttering threats, intimidation, forcible confinement, breaking and entering, theft and obstructing justice related to incidents that reportedly occurred in 2010 and 2011 in Elliot Lake.

When a person is facing serious criminal allegations such as sexual abuse or problems with domestic relations, he or she may attempt to learn about his or her rights. A criminal defence lawyer in Ontario may be able to help a person who is facing charges related to sexual assault, statutory rape, criminal sexual conduct, child sexual abuse, child sexual assault or sexual harassment.

In some cases, the criminal defence lawyer may be able to help a defendant receive a reduced prison sentence, especially if the person is a first-time offender. Individuals who are facing these serious allegations may face long-term consequences, including lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines and having to be placed on a sex offender registry. The lawyer may be able to conduct an investigation into the case to determine if the defendant’s rights were violated in any way that could help suppress certain evidence that could be used against him or her.

Source: The Province, “B.C. returns fugitive sex offender to Ontario”, May 10, 2013

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