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Arrested for domestic violence? Contact a criminal defence lawyer

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The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.

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Disagreements arise in virtually every relationship. Sometimes those disagreements turn into volatile arguments and in some situations the next thing someone knows, law enforcement has been contacted. Upon arrival, it is highly likely that at least one party to the argument will be arrested by police. This is true even when there is little in the way of evidence that activities characteristic of domestic assault occurred.

An arrest for this alleged crime should be taken seriously because of the mandatory charge and prosecution policies in place for those arrested for domestic violence in the Toronto area. The situation can quickly change the life of the accused in ways they may not even think about, over and above a criminal conviction.

People facing criminal charges for domestic violence may find themselves facing the following before the criminal case even commences:

  • Removal from his or her home
  • A jail stay pending a bail hearing
  • Child custody and access issues

Depending on what one does for a living, it is possible it could impact their job as well.

In most cases the best chance someone has to minimize the impact of an arrest is to contact a criminal defence lawyer early in the process. Someone who has successfully handled cases of this nature in the past understands the type of information that needs to be collected to build a strong defence and knows how to go about getting it.

We represent individuals charged with domestic violence. To learn more about it please see our website.

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