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Charges for sexual assault may come decades after alleged act

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In Ontario, authorities take allegations of sexual assault very seriously. Accordingly, it is possible that people could face criminal charges associated with the act many years after it allegedly occurred. The charges a Toronto man currently face, illustrate this. The man, who is now 48, was recently arrested in connection with an incident that allegedly occurred in 1994.

Specifically the man is accused of sexually assaulting a boy who spent the night at his house between the years of 1994 and 1996. The arrest follows an investigation that started in April of this year. In total he faces four charges including sexual exploitation and sexual assault.

It is unclear why it took so long for charges to be brought in connection with the alleged crime.

Anytime criminal charges are brought it is important to do what is necessary to build a strong defense. This generally entails collecting evidence and identifying witnesses. As time passes, this can become even more difficult, since for most people with knowledge of the case, it is inevitable that their memories will fade. This makes it even more important that someone accused of the crime has a knowledgeable lawyer on his or her side.

A lawyer who understands such cases might turn to the following in defending the case:

  • Private investigators
  • Forensic experts
  • Technology experts
  • Social-media experts

The evidence uncovered via any of these methods could be what leads to an acquittal of charges or potentially lesser charges. In general, the sooner a criminal defence lawyer is contacted, the better.

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