The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.
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For most people who are accused of committing a crime, the trial process is scary. Though a high percentage of these cases are heard in a provincial court—more than 95 per cent—those who find themselves in this situation likely have little knowledge of the criminal court system.
As is the case with many things in life, some individuals believe there is room for improvement concerning the current provincial court system. Among other things, these are some of the issues that can arise:
In an effort to resolve some of those matters, judges and justices of provincial courts throughout the nation are looking to find ways to address the issues. It is possible one way of dealing with some of these matters is to find other ways to address certain types of cases.
For example, not all cases need to be handled in the court system. In some situations it is possible restorative operations could lead to a better result not only for the individual accused of the crime, but for society as well. Along those same lines, even when a case comes in front of a judge, the conditions imposed upon the accused should make sense. Under this approach, for instance, if someone is an alcoholic, asking them to stop drinking suddenly, is going to result in great difficulty for that individual as well as those around that individual.
These are of course only a couple of possible actions that could be taken. Whether the provincial courts will change at all and if so, how, is unclear. We will provide updates on the matter if and when they become available