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Criminal defence: Man guilty of drug dealing after 2 acquittals

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A Leamington store owner was recently found guilty of drug trafficking after having been acquitted twice. The man, 54 years old, was found guilty by an Ontario Court Justice in Windsor. The OPP began looking into allegations the man was selling drugs to kids four years ago.

Police began to watch the accused after having been acquitted for charges in the past. He was arrested again, and this time he may be facing time in prison after having been found guilty. During their search police confiscated more than $20,000 in cash. With regard to the man’s first retrial, police also confiscated some drugs allegedly found in a card rack in the man’s store and in a big bag of rice. Those drugs reportedly included fentanyl patches, cocaine, hydromorphone and cocaine.

The business partners of the accused were also charged, but one disappeared before the first trial and the other suffered a stroke and the Crown stayed the charges against him. Part of the defence of the accused was that others had access to the shop. But the judge ruled that it had been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused owned and controlled the drugs being sold out of his store. The prosecution will likely be seeking a sentence of between five and seven years behind bars, but since the accused has already spent time in jail, it is likely he will try to convince the court to sentence him to time served.

Ontario residents who are facing serious criminal charges would do well to speak to a criminal defence lawyer. A lawyer may be able to help his or her client to come up with a strategy to defend the charges. A lawyer may be able to help a client to understand the nuances of a particular case and how to mitigate if not entirely negate an allegation.

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