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Criminal laws apply to all in Ontario, even law enforcement

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The laws in place in the province of Ontario apply to all. This means that no one—even a law enforcement officer—is immune from criminal charges. This is illustrated in the recent charges laid against a Toronto police officer.

The man, a police sergeant who has been with Toronto’s police force for more than 20 years, is facing two charges of sexual assault stemming from incidents that allegedly occurred last fall, approximately a month apart. In both cases the man is accused of using his police cruiser to drive women home and then sexual assaulting them.

The charges were brought by Toronto’s Special Investigations Unit, which is an agency that is responsible for investigating certain types of cases involving police officers.

As is the case with any individual facing a criminal charge, accusations of wrongdoing are not the same as a conviction. The man will have an opportunity to defend himself against the charges to avoid a conviction or minimize penalties.

In the meantime, the man is already facing consequences based on the accusations. He has been suspended from work with pay. While depending on the outcome of the man’s case it is possible he could be reinstated, he will likely still have to deal with public scrutiny that often accompanies such charges.

The repercussions from even an accusation can be problematic. Accordingly, it is vital anyone facing such an accusation does what he or she can to face the allegations head on. A lawyer can be of assistance in keeping the fallout to a minimum.

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