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Doctor Lies To Ontario College Of Physicians And Surgeons

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A Montreal-born doctor who spent a significant part of his career practicing medicine in New York City was arrested in early 2000 for the unlawful prescription of drugs without a legitimate medical purpose. It is alleged that the doctor provided opioid-addicted patients with drugs such as fentanyl and oxycodone which, in one case, resulted in an overdose death.

According to a Toronto Star investigation, in May of the same year, the doctor signed documents provided by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons confirming that he was not facing any disciplinary actions. Following this act of dishonesty, the physician practiced in the province for two years before any mention of his wrongdoings caught up to him.

It wasn’t until the Ontario college learned about the misrepresentation that they had the doctor sign an uncontested agreement which stated that moving forward, he would be required to:

  • Work under the supervision of a monitor
  • Add conditions to his license
  • Take courses
  • Pay a $2,500 fine
  • Undergo a 3 month license suspension

Physican Indicted By The DEA

In 2006, the doctor underwent a second board investigation in New York which resulted in eleven counts of professional misconduct. Ten years later, he was indicted by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in the death of a man who suffered an overdose which was alleged to have been caused in part by opioids prescribed by the doctor. If convicted, the doctor faces a mandatory sentence of at least 20 years with a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Facing an allegation of this magnitude in Ontario requires an aggressive defence. A skilled lawyer with a history of experience with medical professional discipline cases can provide invaluable guidance at a critical time.

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