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Drug raids lead to arrest of 3

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There are multiple scenarios that could lead to drug charges. Sometimes they occur in conjunction with an investigation into another crime—such as a traffic stop. Other times they are the result of an investigation that is specifically focused on suspected drug activities that leads to a drug bust. The latter situation recently resulted in the arrest of three people in the Toronto area.

The people were arrested following raids at two homes. According to provincial police, in addition to drug paraphernalia and packaging, the following drugs worth a total of $400,000 were found:

  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Ecstasy
  • Hashish

The three men face a total of 22 charges. In addition to drug charges they include those related to weapons that were also found.

Regardless of how a drug arrest comes about, when it comes to mounting a defence, the focus is often placed upon the evidence relied upon to justify the arrests. There are very strict rules that must be followed by law enforcement when it comes to establishing such as case. If they are not followed the evidence being used to make a case against the accused could be thrown out.

It is unclear what prompted the investigation or how long it had been going on. Regardless, because of the serious penalties tied to a conviction, it is important that the individuals arrested do what they can to aggressively defend themselves by working with a criminal defence lawyer. What approach that individual would advise taking will depend on a variety of factors pertaining to the allegations and the situation surrounding the arrest.

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