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Drug seizure occurs after Ontario traffic stop

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Ontario Provincial Police arrested two individuals after a routine traffic stop on May 9 in McCool Township near Matheson. The two Quebec residents are now facing drug charges in relation to the incident.

The driver of a 2004 Jeep TJ SUV was stopped by Ontario Provincial Police after they reportedly clocked him at 134 km/h in a 80 km/h speed zone in McCool Township on Highway 101. Police stopped and interviewed the driver on the roadway. He had one passenger in the vehicle with him. The driver and passenger were 24 years old and 23 years old.

Based on the officer’s observations, the two individuals were arrested. The officer then conducted a search of the vehicle, which allegedly revealed 28 grams of marijuana. Police seized the drugs, valued at approximately $280. Both individuals were charged with possession of a controlled substance, and the driver was charged with speed racing. Additionally, police impounded the vehicle for seven days, and the 24-year-old man’s driver’s license was suspended for seven days.

Individuals who face drug trafficking charges, charges for possession of illegal substances or other drug charges may find that they face other charges too. Some additional charges may apply that are related to federal laws, such as a conspiracy charge, drug distribution charge or a charge for illegally importing drugs. Those individuals who are convicted of serious criminal charges may face long-term implications, including jail time, probation, parole and a lifetime of being considered a criminal. An Ontario criminal defence lawyer may be able negotiate a plea bargain that is favourable to the defendant. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the lawyer may alternatively be able to contest the constitutionality of a search and seizure.

Source: Timmins Press, “Street racing charge leads to drug seizure“, May 10, 2013

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