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Drug trafficking charges laid after Toronto pot store busts

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The issue of legalized marijuana is a contentious and confusing one. While there are circumstances in which the possession and use of the drug is legal, it remains a controlled substance in Ontario. Nevertheless, there are numerous retail establishments in Toronto where marijuana can be purchased openly. Recently, some of these businesses have been the scenes of law enforcement actions focused on drug trafficking.

Toronto Police conducted raids on two separate marijuana dispensaries on August 10, 2016. The first took place at a store known as The Green Room, located at 562 Mount Pleasant Road in the Davisville neighbourhood. Officers entered the establishment at 2:30 in the afternoon and arrested two men aged 39 and 23. Both are now facing charges for trafficking and possessing proceeds obtained by crime.

Approximately two hours later, police raided a second Toronto business. Officers with search warrants entered The Healing Centre, located at 1506 Dundas Street West near Dufferin Street. Three men were arrested at the scene. The men, two age 25 and one 24, were charged with three crimes each, all drug related.

These raids followed quickly on the heels of three raids executed August 8, 2016. Over 15, 000 dollars in cash and more than 20 pounds of marijuana products were seized, and six men were charged with drug trafficking. The raids and arrests are all part of an effort to enforce the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Anyone working in the marijuana business, whether in production or distribution, should be aware of the legalities of his or her specific situation. A conviction for drug trafficking carries with it the chance of a stiff sentence, including possible jail time. When an individual is faced with drug related charges, a firm that deals in criminal law is the best defense.

Source: thestar.com, “Five more men charged for drug-related offences after marijuana dispensary raids“, Fakiha Baig, August 11, 2016

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