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Extradition: A serious matter requiring experienced criminal defence

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The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.

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Developing a thorough defence against criminal charges is an in-depth, complex process that requires the help of an experienced criminal defence lawyer. Matters can become significantly more complicated, however, if there is the potential that multiple jurisdictions will be involved.

If you are facing the possibility of being extradited from Canada to face criminal charges in another country, then it is important that you take action to protect your rights as soon as possible.

If authorities in another country suspect that an individual in Canada has committed a crime, then the other country can ask Canadian authorities to surrender that individual. Canada has extradition treaties with countries throughout the world, and these treaties govern how a person can be extradited from Canada. Not all criminal defence lawyers have experience in representing clients facing extradition.

Keep in mind also that there is no rule saying that you have to wait for extradition proceedings to commence before you begin the defence process. Your rights and freedom may be at stake, and a criminal defence attorney can advise you of a proper legal course of action prior to extradition proceedings.

In some cases, early preparation can help prevent extradition, as well as protect the individual from a criminal record under Canadian law.

Lawyers at Neuberger & Partners LLP represent clients facing extradition for a variety of potential charges, including money laundering, fraud, drug crimes and homicide. Our extradition overview has more on the resources that can be used to defend against extradition.

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