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Facebook used in investigation against teacher

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Throughout the nation, and world, people turn to Facebook for entertainment, to share news and to communicate. While in some cases it may be used to reunite former acquaintances, other times it brings people together who have never met in person. The reasons why strangers might connect via Facebook are many, and may are not be innocent in nature. As a teacher from the Greater Toronto Area recently found out, law enforcement is aware of this and understands how to use the social media site for its own purposes.

An investigation involving the man was commenced after police allegedly received a tip from police in the neighboring United States. According to that tip, the man was demonstrating suspicious online behaviour. As a part of that investigation, law enforcement posed as a 14-year-old girl, on Facebook. The man allegedly fell for the ruse.

Following the investigation, police arrested man at the school where he taught. He has been charged with child luring to make child pornography, child luring to facilitate invitation to sexual touching and child luring to facilitate sexual interference.

Following his arrest, the school board for which the man worked relieved the man of his responsibilities at the school. The school district also commenced its own investigation into the matter.

Clearly the man’s arrest has already impacted his life. Defending against a criminal charge could result in a reduction of charges or even an acquittal. Dealing with the issue promptly could result in less harsh consequences all around. The first step toward building this is to consult a criminal defence lawyer.

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