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Life as a leader in the public service sector can be filled with more pressure than most people will ever know. Despite that, many choose to pursue such a career for the opportunity to help their community in the best way they can. To suddenly have all that taken away amid allegations of serious wrongdoing would be highly traumatic. No one knows this better than an Ontario fire chief recently removed from duty after allegations of sexual assault involving minors came to light.
Ontario Provincial Police arrested the 60-year-old man on Dec. 10, 2016. Earlier that day, police were contacted regarding an alleged victim, a youth either 16 or 17 years of age. The incidents were alleged to have occurred on Dec. 6 and Dec. 8. He was charged at the time with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor.
On Jan. 6, 2017, it was revealed that an additional six charges had been laid after three more alleged victims had come forward. The new charges include one count of sexual interference, two counts of sexual exploitation and three counts of sexual assault. The accused, a veteran firefighter with over 30 years experience, is at risk of spending a great deal of time in prison if convicted.
Sexual assault is serious crime, and when it allegedly involves a minor, it becomes even worse, especially in the court of public opinion. To be accused of such a crime is to be dealt a huge blow to one’s reputation and standing. In order to have the best chance of a positive outcome, it may be best to seek representation from a skilled and dedicated lawyer.
Source: National Post, “Charges pile up against Ontario fire chief after three more alleged victims accuse him of underage sex acts“, Dalson Chen, Jan. 7, 2017