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Homicide victim laid to rest in Toronto

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A 31-year-old woman who was the victim of a recent drive-by shooting in Toronto was laid to rest. The Ontario homicide victim actually just attended a funeral when she was gunned down while sitting in a parked car with three others. Police say that the suspect opened fire from a passing vehicle. The other occupants of the car occupied by the victim weren’t hurt.

The woman worked at a homeless shelter. Police don’t believe, however, that she or any of the others in the vehicle were specifically targeted. The authorities released video footage of the incident, but no one has been charged yet. They haven’t said if there any suspects under investigation.

The woman was one of four gunshot victims in Toronto in 24 hours. She was an immigrant from Ghana and was well-loved and respected in her community. Some of her family members flew in to attend her funeral. She is 47th homicide victim of this year.

Ontario residents having to fight a homicide charge may be able to more aggressively defend the charge with the help of an experienced lawyer. Murder is potentially the most serious crime that can be levied against someone and as such a conviction could lead to many years, if not life, in prison. A lawyer may be able to ensure his or her client’s rights are protected, that he or she has the best possible defence and has the best chance of getting the charges against him or her reduced or, when possible, dropped altogether.

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