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Mother, son arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Innisfil

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It seems like something most Toronto mothers would do for their sons: after her son was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, his mother went to pick him up. Shortly after she arrived, however, police arrested her for impaired driving, too.

According to police, the 27-year-old son was pulled over after he was allegedly speeding in Innisfil, at approximately 1 a.m. Investigators administered a roadside sobriety test, which they say he failed. Police arrested him for impaired driving and transported him to a police station near Toronto. When the man’s mother came to get him from jail several hours later, the same officer who had pulled over the son said that he smelled alcohol on the mother. She was instructed to take a breath test, which police say that she failed. She was subsequently charged with impaired driving.

Individuals who face charges for driving under the influence of alcohol may be jailed and be subjected to stiff penalties. For example, the mother and son in this case had their licenses automatically suspended for 90 days. Their vehicles were also impounded, and they are scheduled for court in about a month. If convicted, they could face time in jail, fines and license reinstatement issues.

Due to the potential for significant problems associated with a conviction of a DUI charge, many individuals who face drunk driving charges choose to hire a criminal defense lawyer. A lawyer may be able to raise challenges to the way that a field sobriety test was administered or methods that could have caused an erroneous blood-alcohol concentration reading. The lawyer could also work on a negotiation that may prevent the suspect from going to jail.

National Post, “Mom picking up son charged with drunk driving also charged with drunk driving,” 25 March, 2013

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