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Ontario alleged robbery results in multiple charges

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A 30-year-old man was arrested recently for supposedly attempting to steal a vehicle in a grocery store parking lot. Ontario Provincial Police responded to the attempted robbery call in which a female was approached by the accused who reportedly demanded the keys to her vehicle. A kindly onlooker helped the victim while the suspect took off, only to allegedly enter another unlocked vehicle with the keys inside it.

The accused drove the vehicle onto a busy highway and was the subject of a number of calls to police by drivers indicating a possibly drunk, aggressive driver. The accused reportedly crashed the vehicle on another stretch of highway. Witnesses told police the 30-year-old man was stumbling and appeared to be drunk as he left the scene heading into a nearby field and side road.

A number of people watching this situation unfold followed the individual in question, who was eventually nabbed by the authorities. The man was charged with robbery, theft, two counts of utter threat, impaired driving, dangerous driving, breach of probation and failure to remain at the scene of an accident. Police said the theft could have been prevented had the vehicle been locked.

While a criminal conviction for robbery charges could potentially result in jail time, Ontario residents who face charges similar to this man should always remember that being accused of committing such crimes is far from being convicted. Obtaining legal support can ensure those charged have the best possible criminal defence strategies for their unique situations. A knowledgeable criminal defence lawyer can thoroughly examine any and all evidence the Crown brings against those in these circumstances while ensuring their rights are fully protected.



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