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Ontario doctor accused of sexual assault

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A physician is facing assault charges after a woman in her 50s alleged that he assaulted her at a medical appointment in 2016. Police say they charged the Ottawa, Ontario, doctor with sexual assault after reviewing a complaint the woman made in February of 2017. Investigators are asking other alleged victims to come forward.

The woman said she was alone with the now 44-year-old doctor in an examination room when the abuse supposedly happened. The College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario has limited the physician’s practice, noting professional misconduct allegations. In its decision, the college said the doctor has been accused of allegedly touching the woman’s genital area in a sexual or inappropriate manner while also supposedly making sexual remarks to her.

The physician was working in a clinic that specializes in the treatment of pain. He is a practitioner there and also the clinic’s founder. His practice has been restricted since July 13 of this year.

When an Ontario resident is charged with sexually-related offences like sexual assault, he or she is facing one of the most serious offences. Not only is the accused facing possible serious jail time, but if convicted, he or she will likely have to live with the stigma associated with such a crime for the rest of his or her life. A lawyer may need to use all the tools available to him or her to defend a client — such as hiring an investigator and scientists to analyze DNA and other evidence to try to pinpoint weak areas in the Crown’s case. An experienced criminal lawyer may be able to steer through the complex issues of a sexual assault trial to ensure his or her client receives the best possible defence.

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