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Ontario doctor facing sexual assault charges

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A doctor who lost his medical licence in a civil hearing for allegedly touching a patient inappropriately is now facing criminal charges as well. The Ontario dermatologist denies the recent sexual assault allegations against him, saying it would have been physically impossible for his genitals to have come into contact with patients since his stomach is too large. The findings of a disciplinary panel for the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons (OCPS) regarding the incidents were inconclusive. However, because the panel found the doctor guilty of groping a patient’s breasts in another incident last year, the panel revoked his licence. The doctor has appealed the decision.

In addition to having his licence yanked, the accused also has to shell out $161,000 to pay for the disciplinary hearing and for therapy for the patients he allegedly abused. Several patients testified at the disciplinary hearing that the doctor rubbed his genitals against them while he was examining them — accusations he denies. The physician has been suspended since 2015 after he was the disciplinary panel determined that he groped a patient’s breasts.

The accused is facing a similar hearing sometime this year in connection to misconduct allegations regarding 30 patients. Eighteen of those allegations include sexual abuse. The doctor will be in court soon to defend two criminal counts of sexual assault. He will also be defending another sexual assault charge later this year.

Ontario residents facing serious criminal charges like sexual assault would do well to obtain legal counsel. In order to fight the charges aggressively, a defence lawyer may pore over all evidence to ensure charges were laid according to the letter of the law. He or she may be able to have the charges reduced or dismissed entirely or, when necessary, work to lessen any sentence to be imposed by the court.

Source: thestar.com, “Doctor who denied sex abuse by saying his belly was too big loses licence“, Jacques Gallant, Feb. 20, 2018

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