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Ontario man arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking

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Simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time can spell trouble on occasion. That’s may be what happened to a southern Ontario man after police took an interest in him as he made a late night trip to a convenience store. He now faces multiple charges for alleged drug trafficking.

At around 3 a.m. on Feb. 28, a Niagara Regional Police officer, following up on an earlier traffic complaint of an unspecified nature, decided to investigate a man spotted at a convenience store in St. Catharines. Evidently, the vehicle he was driving matched the description given previously. The officer intercepted the vehicle, and began a quick investigation.

A search of the man is said to have revealed a stash of 152 grams of heroin on his person, after which search warrants were obtained for both the car and a home in Fort Erie. The searches purportedly turned up 200 grams of cocaine, 25 units of fentanyl and money suspected of being the proceeds of crime. Assorted drug paraphernalia were also seized, including items allegedly used for cutting and packaging drugs. The total value of the drugs was estimated at  $72,000. The 28-year-old man was charged with three counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking, and two other drug-related charges.

Although seemingly hard and substantial evidence might be disheartening to a person accused of drug trafficking, evidence is not the same as proof. A workable defence may still be possible, even in the direst of situations. No one accused of a drug crime should go through the process without a skilled defender to assist. A criminal defence lawyer who understands the fine points of laws against drugs and how they are enforced in Ontario, will help to prepare a person for what’s to come.

Source: niagarathisweek.com, “Police seize heroin, fentanyl and cocaine“, March 1, 2017

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