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Ontario Provincial and Barrie police arrest man on heroin charges

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Law enforcement agencies in Ontario have once again come together to investigate and arrest someone accused of heroin trafficking. A 30-year-old Barrie man has been arrested on suspicion of bringing drugs into Canada. These are incredibly serious charges, as the man was allegedly found with one kilogram of heroin. The government and law enforcement take even the smallest amount of drugs crossing the border seriously. Those who are caught trafficking could spend years behind bars and pay high fines.

Unlike cases in which someone is caught by border agents as they cross into the country from somewhere else, this man allegedly received a package from New Delhi. If this is all the evidence police have, they are lacking a crucial connection between the drugs and the individual arrested. How are we to know that he knew what was in the package or was the intended recipient? There needs to be more evidence than just a package of heroin arriving on an individual’s doorstep.

As with any drug charge, there are very serious consequences that come with an arrest and conviction. Even if the charges are dropped and the man is released, there will be a record of his arrest. This can be pulled during a background check and may make it difficult to travel abroad. Certainly a conviction can make this worse.

As with any criminal charge, it is up to the Crown to demonstrate the defendant’s guilt, as he is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is not an easy thing to do, and will require a considerable amount of compelling evidence, something the police may not be able to find.

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