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Ontario teenager stopped for driving too slowly

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In a recent arrest by Lakeshore Ontario Provincial Police, an 18-year-old from Merlin was stopped by police for driving nearly 35 km/h under the speed limit, although he was eventually arrested for impaired operation of a motor vehicle. According to reports, the teenager had a blood alcohol content in excess of 80 milligrams. The charges are serious, especially for someone so young, and the teenager will appear in a Windsor court in mid-September.

Many people in Etobicoke reading this may wonder why the young man was stopped in the first place? Ontario Provincial Police are meant to check on people who are endangering lives, not driving slowly. Yes, he was driving especially slowly on a county road, but did that really justify stopping him?

The young man had been out on a Saturday morning at 3 a.m. and travelling under the speed limit. Police claim to have seen him move across the centre line and attempt a U-turn before they eventually pulled his pickup over. It was only after he was stopped that police noticed that he may have been drinking.

Drinking and driving is quite a serious offence in Ontario. Not only does an offender face time in jail and fines, but he or she may will acquire a permanent criminal record. This record could cause serious problems when the individual tries to apply for a new job, and it may also come with immigration consequences. These are just a few of the reasons why it is so important to work with a driving over 80 lawyer, as avoiding a conviction can also avoid many or all of these consequences.

Source: WindsoriteDOTca, “Teen Charged With Drunk Driving In Lakeshore,” Aug. 19, 2013

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