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Ontario truck driver charged with impaired driving

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A truck driver was taken into custody following an incident near Blind River, according to provincial authorities. Ontario Provincial Police arrested the 56-year-old man on suspicion of impaired driving on the night of June 12. The driver was to appear for his first court appearance in Blind River on July 13.

According to the police report, the Blind River detachment of the OPP received reports of a tractor trailer driving erratically westbound on Highway 17. Police pulled the truck over and made the determination that the man was intoxicated after speaking with him. A search of the vehicle apparently revealed an open liquor bottle as well. He was arrested on site.

It is unclear when a breath test was administered to the man, but police say he blew 2.5 times over the legal limit of .08 BAC. They have also asked that anyone else who may have encountered the vehicle on the night in question to please contact the local detachment of the OPP. It is unknown whether the man remains in police custody ahead of his court date, or if he has since been released.

Impaired driving charges can be difficult to make stick in a criminal court, often because of how alcohol is metabolize by different individuals. In this case, it will be important for Ontario authorities to understand when the breath test was administered, as a late breath test could return a result considerably higher than the man might have been experiencing when he was pulled over. Defense will also likely review the arrest record to ensure the man’s rights were observed throughout the process. All of these factors could influence how the court chooses to rule on this case.

Source: CBC News, “Toronto truck driver charged after blowing 2.5 times over limit in Blind River“, June 13, 2017

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