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Parkdale pair arrested for arson, suspected of producing drugs

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There are times when the best of plans can go horribly wrong. Perhaps that was the case just before a large explosion in a Toronto apartment building recently. Following the blast, two people, who were allegedly producing drugs, were arrested and now have to deal with injuries and legal problems.

The incident happened on Feb. 18, in a 19th floor apartment of a building near Lansdowne Avenue and Queen Street West. The explosion was triggered at about 3:30 p.m., and sent debris flying through the area. Emergency crews arrived at the scene and police interviewed two people who were identified as the occupants of the unit.

A woman was arrested on the scene and a man was transported to hospital for treatment for injuries suffered during the explosion. He was also arrested by police. The pair have been charged with common nuisance and arson, although more charges are possible.

Police have not yet released the names of either of the accused, as an investigation is still ongoing. Police believe the cause of the blast was the use of combustible material in the production of drugs. Details of the operation are being withheld at this time.

The accused individuals in this case are already in legal trouble, and may be heading into more. Alleged involvement in any aspect of the drug trade, including producing drugs, is serious business. Defence against drug charges is never a simple matter and is usually handled best by a lawyer who is familiar with the Toronto courts and is experienced with similar cases.

Source: Toronto Star, “Two charged after police confirm Parkdale explosion was drug-related“, Andrej Ivanov, Feb. 18, 2017

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