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Police find drugs, cash during Essex traffic stop

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After Ontario Provincial Police stopped a vehicle in Essex that they believed was suspicious on Feb. 24, they called the drug enforcement unit. The routine traffic stop, which occurred by Wilson Avenue, resulted in a bust of more than $3,000 in drugs. The drugs that were confiscated include cocaine and LSD, and police also confiscated an unspecified amount of cash.

A 32-year-old man from Amherstburg is facing drug charges related to the incident. His official charge is possession for the purpose of trafficking, but he is also being charged for violating conditions of his parole. A 25-year-old man, also from Amherstburg, is facing a charge of possession for the purpose of trafficking, and a 24-year-old woman from Essex has likewise been charged for possession in relation to the incident. A bond hearing was set for the parolee, and the other two defendants promised to appear in court as a condition of their release.

When individuals are found to be in possession of certain drugs, prosecutors may include additional criminal charges or stricter charges. For example, they may charge individuals with drug trafficking, drug distribution or illegally importing drugs. Defendants may face conspiracy charges, charges for trafficking heroin or charges for trafficking meth. These charges may be imposed even if the suspects are found to be in possession of only small quantities of drugs.

When a person is accused of being in possession of illegal substances, he or she may work with a knowledgeable criminal defence lawyer. A lawyer may be able to conduct an investigation to determine if police violated search and seizure rules or failed to have probable cause before calling in a special unit to search the defendant’s vehicle, which would preclude the prosecution from using certain evidence against the defendant in a criminal trial.

It remains to be seen if this stop or these arrests violate any rules of criminal procedure.

The Windsor Star, “Traffic stop leads to drug charges,” 26 February 2013

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