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Police raid Dixon Road residences

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Police raided several properties in an anti-gang sweep in Ontario on Toronto’s Dixon Road. The pre-dawn raids resulted in the arrest of several individuals who are now facing charges related to trafficking in illegal narcoticsand other charges.

In total, 43 people were arrested in one day. Of these 43, 19 were arrested in Toronto and nine were arrested in Windsor. The arrests were made under the anti-gang sweep called Project Traveller. In Toronto, most of the arrests occurred on Dixon Road, in the area between Kipling Avenue and Islington Avenue. Police claim that a violent gang called the Dixon Bloods or Dixon Goonies was behind the drug trade and that members of the gang were responsible for trafficking in drugs and guns.

Police say that they will lay charges on the defendants for about 300 significant offences. Some of the charges include murder, attempted murder, drug trafficking charges and weapons trafficking charges. The Dixon Road area has recently been in the news after a story broke about a video that allegedly showed the mayor smoking crack cocaine. One of the raid locations is believed to be the building where this video was located, based on cites in multiple reports. Police say that they are planning to post more uniformed officers in the neighbourhood. They say that they are increasing patrols in an effort to cooperate and coordinate with the community. The Deputy Chief said that the police are interested in creating a safer neighbourhood after the community was victimized by a violent gang.

Ontario criminal defence lawyers may help defendants who are facing serious charges. They may be able to challenge certain evidence that is seized or negotiate a plea agreement for their clients.

Source: CBC News, “Toronto police to boost patrols after massive raids”, June 14, 2013

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