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Qualified legal representation a necessity if facing drug charges

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The criminal justice system can be daunting, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Our Criminal lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way.

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While the attitudes many have regarding the use of marijuana the production and use of the drug are softening, in Ontario, the cultivation and use is still illegal. Most people are likely aware that being charged with growing a large amount of marijuana could result in harsh penalties if one is convicted. Fewer people may be aware however that the consequences can be similarly severe if someone is found guilty of growing even a small amount.

While some consequences for those found guilty of the crime—such as incarceration and fines—are well known, others are not as obvious. For example, as a result of a drug conviction someone might not be able to enter the United States. Depending upon where their family lives and their job responsibilities, such a prohibition could severely impact the life of that person.

The best way to prevent these outcomes is to take steps create a defence to the accusations from the outset. While a solid defence is built upon many things, evidence is extremely important. Since as time passes, evidence could be lost and the memories of witnesses clouded, the sooner a lawyer is engaged to assist with that defence, the better. Accordingly, it is generally best to contact a lawyer even before charges are levied—when someone is under investigation.

We handle cases of this nature for individuals who reside throughout the province of Ontario. As a result of the many cases we have handled, we understand the complexities that often arise. To learn more about our practice, please see the page on our website about drug cultivation.

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