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Sexual assault charges can come years after alleged incident

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In a recent post we wrote about a man who faced a charge of murder, decades after allegedly committing the act. In that post we indicated there is not a statute of limitations when it comes to murder. This is not the case with all other crimes. While the period of time in which charges may be brought related to other crimes is not unlimited, many years can pass and charges may still be brought. This is illustrated in the recent arrest of a Toronto man.

The man, who is a photographer, is accused of sexually assaulting girls in their teens while conducting photo shoots. The incidents allegedly occurred in the early 2000s, at his studio. According to law enforcement, to persuade the girls to engage in certain activities, he used the fact that he is a photographer. In addition to three counts of sexual assault, he is charged with three counts of sexual interference in connection with the assaults he is accused. These accusations have not been proven.

The period of time in which the Crown has to bring charges against someone accused of committing a crime varies depending on the crime for which the person is being charged. Regardless of how much time has passed between the two, anyone who finds they are in this situation should consult a criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible—preferably before the charges are even filed. Though the outcome of no case is predetermined, having a professional familiar with the court system and charges is a good step to take to try to secure a desirable outcome.

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