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Sexual assault, murder witness was on Skype during crime

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In order for someone to be charged with and convicted of something as serious as sexual assault or murder, there must be sufficient credible evidence to support the conviction. And, in order for that evidence to be admitted into court, it must be lawfully gathered. Not only does this keep the criminal justice system fair for all Canadians, but it also protects against government intrusion into our affairs.

Approximately three years ago, a York University student was raped and killed in her apartment while her ex-boyfriend was communicating with her by Skype. While it must certainly have been traumatic for him and certainly was for her family, it is important that before the man accused of her murder is only convicted on sufficient and credible evidence. The shocking nature of her murder cannot be used to push through a quick conviction.

The ex-boyfriend who watched the whole crime transpire testified that the man he saw in the web camera was in a distant door frame. Then, when he saw the man later, it was only from the waist or abdomen down. Though it is certainly possible that the picture was clear, it is equally possible that he couldn’t see the perpetrator very well. Moreover, it is unknown how exactly the boyfriend would have been able to identify the man he saw over Skype, as he presumably did not know him.

The man who is on trial is facing very serious charges and punishment, if convicted. In order to reduce the risk of being wrongfully convicted, it is important that all the evidence that is presented in the case has been examined and found to have been obtained lawfully and that it is credible.

Source: Daily Mail, “Boyfriend reveals how he watched powerlessly as his girlfriend, 23, was raped and murdered ‘by neighbor’ in Canada while he was chatting to her on SKYPE from China,” Joel Christie, March 29, 2014

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