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Sudbury doctor taken into custody for sexual assault

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A doctor from Sudbury was convicted of sexual assault after the Superior Court justice said that the complainant’s evidence was “entirely plausible” and the evidence met the burden of proof. The alleged victim of the sexual assault had contact with the doctor from June 5, 2008, to May 8, 2009, at his clinic.

The investigation of the doctor began after a complaint was lodged against him. The alleged victim said that she was the subject of inappropriate touching and sexual advances, beginning on June 5, 2008. She said that the doctor attempted to hug and kiss her on repeated incidences. She also reported that he made repeated requests for sex. The alleged victim also claimed that the doctor attempted to grab her body. The woman said that she chose to discontinue contact with the doctor on May 8, 2009, and then notified the police on May 13 about the alleged incidents. The doctor denied touching the alleged victim but admitted that he did request sex from her over the time period in question.

The judge ultimately found that the defence was inconsistent and that the defendant was unresponsive and uncooperative. The doctor was originally charged with five counts of sexual assault and another count of assault. He is also facing disciplinary matters regarding his job and a fraud charge for allegedly filing claims with Ontario Health Insurance Plan that were false. The man has not yet been sentenced for his sexual assault conviction, but a pre-sentence report has been prepared for him.

Toronto criminal defence lawyers may be able to help individuals who are accused of sex crimes. These crimes may include rape, sexual assault, possession of child pornography or other serious criminal offenses. A criminal defence lawyer may be able to help the client avoid long-term consequences by investigating evidence and questioning police tactics.

Source: The Sudbury Star, “Sudbury doctor convicted of sexual assault“, August 09, 2013

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