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Toronto police reportedly seize weapons and guns during sweep

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Toronto’s Emergency Task Force recently responded to reports of gun violence at Toronto Community Housing Corporation properties by conducting sweeps at these properties. One of the sweeps occurred at an apartment building on Bay Mills Boulevard in Scarborough, in which officers wore full riot gear outfits and brought assault rifles and battering rams with them. While police actions would indicate that this was a serious or dangerous crime, such as homicide, no one has been arrested.

Approximately one dozen police vehicles along with constable cars were parked outside a Toronto Community Housing Corporation high rise while police officers searched the property. The police later searched another high rise on Glider Drive.

Toronto Police are not revealing information regarding the sweeps. However, reports have surfaced indicating that police officers recovered a variety of guns and drugs, including handguns and sawed-off shotguns. A constable has indicated that no arrests have been made in association with the sweeps and that a summary will be prepared regarding the police activity. If this had truly been a dangerous situation, however, it would be reasonable to assume that police would have arrested someone.

Although no arrests have not been reported, a person who is arrested in a case like this may have an argument regarding the admissibility of evidence used against him or her. A Toronto criminal defence lawyer may be able to argue that evidence should not be admitted when no warrant provided specific details about a property and the evidence in question, as is usually required. This argument could help exclude evidence that could possibly unfairly incriminate a defendant.

Source: Toronto Sun, “Guns, drugs seized in TCHC sweep,” Don Peat and Joe Warmington, 22 February 2013

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