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Toronto to decide fate of police use of body-worn cameras

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Technology is a part of virtually all of our lives. In addition to smart phones, it can take multiple other forms as well. Even law enforcement officers look to technology to better do their jobs. Recently, police officers in Toronto completed a pilot project involving body-worn cameras.

As a part of that study three different types of cameras were tested by a total of 100 officers. Among other things, there is an assumption that the use of this wearable technology will result in fewer civilian complaints against officers and less police brutality. If true, these expensive devices could be worth it.

Just how well they work in the capacity is unclear. According to research coming from the University of Toronto, not enough research h into ho effective these cameras are, has been conducted. Other studies seeking to make this distinction did see a decrease in the number of these incidents. In one case, the reduction of complaints was negligible—to one, from four. The other study utilized a small sample size and the rate of use of force incidents in the city were decreasing before the introduction of the devices.

Currently, the information collected in the Toronto study is being looked at. Eventually a report will be issued that provides guidance on whether the police should opt for this route. Since the information obtained via these cameras could in some cases impact the outcome of a criminal case, we will provide relevant updates on what Toronto determines, as information becomes available.

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