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The dynamic of a taxi is a unique one: one driver transporting perhaps only one passenger, a complete stranger, to another destination in the driver’s car. It is impossible for anyone other than the occupants of the vehicle to know exactly what transpires through the duration of the trip. An accusation of criminal wrongdoing may be merely a case of “he said, she said” and yet can cause a major legal problem for the accused individual. A Toronto Uber driver is wrestling with that very problem after his arrest for sexual assault.
The alleged incident reportedly occurred on Jan. 27. A 15-year-old girl entered the vehicle at the Bay Street bus terminal in downtown Toronto. According to the girl, the driver sexually assaulted her at some point during the trip before dropping her off at her destination.
Although the incident allegedly happened several months ago, it was only recently reported. Evidently, someone encouraged the young girl to come forward about the incident. A 41-year-old man faces charges of sexual interference and sexual assault.
A charge of sexual assault is always a serious matter, but never more so than when the alleged incident involves a minor. Having serious allegations hanging over one’s head can wreak havoc on the accused man or woman’s personal and professional lives. This is not the time to take chances with one’s future, but rather it’s a time to work aggressively toward the best possible outcome under the given circumstances. A skilled and determined defence lawyer can help make that happen.
Source: CTV News – Toronto, “Uber driver charged after teen rider sexually assaulted downtown“, Rachael D’Amore and Amara McLaughlin, May 31, 2017