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Transit driver arrested for drunk driving while working

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Communities throughout Canada take alleged drunk driving seriously. Accordingly, there are laws in place that may result in harsh penalties for a conviction. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the arrest, there are other consequences that could arise as well. A woman recently arrested for allegedly driving drunk while working may find that she is facing collateral consequences.

The woman, who is employed as a transit driver, was driving a bus full of 14 passengers when she was involved in a crash. According to authorities the incident occurred when she tried to change lanes and struck a vehicle in the lane next to her. Following the accident, a police officer indicated he found open liquor that she could reach from her seat.

After being arrested the woman was taken into custody and law enforcement attempted to administer a breath test. The woman reportedly would not provide the breath samples. She was charged both with failure to provide a breath sample and impaired driving.

How this case will be resolved is not clear. In a situation such as this one however it is easy to see how her employment might be impacted, possibly even if she is not found guilty of the charges.

Working with a criminal defence lawyer is a good course of action regardless of the charges someone faces. That individual can help prevent or minimize any consequences that arise in conjunction with the allegations. For the best chance of securing a positive outcome the sooner one contacts a lawyer the better.

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